Why you need a clear wedding vision
•Posted on January 21 2021

Having lots of ideas is great in the beginning, but trying to include them all can cause decision paralysis! The danger of this is, you can waste a lot of money buying things that you won’t need in the end. It's counterproductive in the long run. Narrowing down what you REALLY want and NEED is super important. Also if you throw everything at it you will end up diluting what the really good parts are, remember less is more as they say!
Following a trend
It is absolutely fine to look at what's trending at the time, but only consider using a trend if it aligns with you as a couple and helps achieve your ultimate goal. It is no good having a neon sign just because it is trending at the time, if it doesn’t fit in with the rest of your style. Or if you have a doughnut wall because it’s trendy but you hate eating doughnuts! Because this won't reflect you as a couple, and it will be obvious and not make sense to your guests.
Coping other couples
Just because a friend had something at their wedding and it went down really well, doesn’t mean you should have it as well . Don’t forget, you are an entirely different couple, you have a different style, different personalities, and a different outlook and you will have different guests. Make your choices based on yourselves.
Thinking you have to have something because it's what couples do when your planning a wedding. You don’t have to have something if you don’t want it. If you don’t want a traditional wedding cake with 4 tiers then don’t have one, there are plenty of alternatives. Don’t think you have to fit into a mould to please everyone.
This is why having a vision is so important.
Instead of looking at the trends first, hundreds of ideas, and looking what others are doing, concentrate on your own vision, what is important to you, and what you want it to look like and feel like. I am a wedding stylist that can help you bring your vision to life, we can chat about colours, styles, what goes with what and ways to add your personalities. If you would like more help with styling your day you can read more about it here.
Having a clear vision for your wedding is really useful if:
You don't know where to start!
If you are totally overwhelmed with everything and just don't know where to begin, it would really helpful to work out what you are like as couple, find out what your taste is. Narrowing down what your interests are together is a great place to start. If your finding it hard to do this, then chatting to an expert will really benefit you and get the creative juices going.
You're really confused!
It's so easy to feel confused about what you want, especially when your looking on Pinterest where you like everything you see, (don't worry your not alone!) you may have a ton of ideas but your struggling to pin point what you want your day to look like, because you keep getting distracted.
You can't visualise it all together
Perhaps you can’t visualise everything together making you doubt all your choices therefore making you feel a bit stuck. This is where a vision board is really useful as you can bring all your ideas together to see if they work with with each other.
You & your partner like different things
It can feel hard to pin point your vision if you both have different ideas or expectations for your wedding, because you're not sure how they will all work together. A vision will help you plan out the things that work well together and the things you may want to leave out.
If you would like some help with your vision you can find out more here.