What should my wedding invitation say
•Posted on June 13 2018

I get asked this question all the time when couples have carefully chosen their stationery design. The wording for your invitations can be overwhelming with choices. There is the classic traditional type or the creative and whimsical type. The important thing to remember is the style of wording needs to represent you as a couple.
Essential information to include
- Who's hosting
- The request to come to the wedding
- The names of the couple
- Who you're inviting
- The Date
- The Time
- The Location
- The Dress Code
- The RSVP Details
Who's hosting?
Traditionally, the Bride's parents are the hosts of the wedding therefore their names would be at the top of the invitation.
In some cases both sets of parents names can be added as the hosts which is a nice touch, no matter who is paying for the wedding. In this instance it would be appropriate to use 'Together with their parents' followed by the couples names.
Or it is becoming increasingly popular for the couple to host the wedding theirselves therefore just the names of the couple are used.
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Names of the Couple
You may now be wondering if the couple are hosting who's name goes first?
Traditionally the bride's name would be before the groom's.
For same sex marriage you would pick whichever sounds better to be first before the other.
Do we use just our first names or surnames as well?
This is of course depending on whether your day is formal therefore you would add your full names. And for informal you would just use first names. But this is optional and a personal decision. As you may also have middle names you would like to include.

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The request line
There are a few ways to ask your guests to attend the wedding, here are a few,
- 'request the pleasure of your company'
- 'would love for you to join them'
- 'invite you to celebrate with them'
- 'request the honour of your presence'
- 'at the marriage of their children'
Who you're inviting
Sometimes a line/space is inserted to personally add your guests names to each invitation. Although it is increasing popular to not add them and instead write them on the envelope.

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The date and time
For formal weddings everything is written out in full, so the time as 'o'clock' and the date with the year in full, no numbers.
For informal the use of 'am' and 'pm' is acceptable, and numbers are fine to use.
The Location
It is important to add the address of the venue if you are not supplying an additional card with that information on.

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Dress Code
The invitation is an indication to your guests of the style of day you will be having. For example if you have chosen a really fancy invitation this will indicate to your guests that it will be a formal day. If your invite is more on the simpler side then this indicates a more casual dress code. If you would like the dress code adding to put guests minds at ease it is usually put in the bottom of the invitation.

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The RSVP Details
This too is usually included at the very bottom of the invitation. If you are not supplying an additional card for the guests to mail back to you, it is important to include the date you would like a response by, and either an address, phone number, email address or your wedding website.

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Additional Information
You may want to include more details about your wedding such as,
- Directions
- Accommodation
- Dietary Requirements
- Gifts Requests
- Song Requests
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If you have guests who are unfamiliar with the area, you may want to supply detailed directions by road or train to the venue. It is useful to supply the postcode for the Sat Nav. And it may be useful to pick out landmarks to help with finding the venue. It is a great idea to included a map if your venue can be tricky to get to.
It is thoughtful to include a list of Hotels and B&B's if your venue cannot cater for all your guests. So a few options that you would highly recommend will save them the worry.

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Dietary requirements
You may like to leave a space where your guests can let you know if they have any allergies or dietary requirements before you decide on your menu with the caterer.
With most couples these days setting up home together before they get married, they have all their bits and pieces they need. It is becoming increasingly popular for couples to ask their guests for gift vouchers or money to help towards their honeymoon. A great way of stating this is a catchy poem. More couples are also stating they would like the money guests would normal give, to be given to a favourite charity instead.

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Song Requests
It is nice to add a section for songs that your guests would like played at the wedding as variety is key, it is a great way to ensure your guests will get on the dance floor if it's a song they love!
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