The Secrets to having fun while you plan your day
•Posted on July 06 2022

Plan as a Couple
This is one of the most important factors of your wedding, two people are getting married so it should be two people planning the wedding together. Not just one person doing all the work, or at worst taking completely over! This is a recipe for disaster, and the faster way to a stressful planning journey.
It will be a much more enjoyable process if you come together as a team and plan what you want together first. You will each have ideas, suggestions and things you really want to include, so it's really important to lay this all out on the table from the off, so no-one ends up disappointed and feels left out. It makes sure you are both on the same page. And then you can divide the tasks up between the two of you.
I am a realist, and I know sometimes you and your partner won't agree on things, but this is where your friend 'comprise' comes in. You will find this is what a marriage is all about, so at least it's good practice for how to handle it.
Make it all about You
One of the most common reasons couples don't enjoy planning that much, is because they forget to plan the wedding 'they want' and they start planning a wedding they think everyone else wants them to have, and to keep everyone else happy. If you start to do this, it will snowball and it's the fastest way to a miserable time planning it all, because all you'll be doing is moaning about everyone having their say and taking over.
Start as you mean to go on, and promise yourselves it's YOUR DAY= YOUR WAY!!
If you don't want your mums neighbour to come, don't invite them, if you don't want to have a cake , don't have one, if you don't want to do things traditionally as your family expect, then don't do them. If you think your family members will be upset if you don't do something they are expecting, then it's maybe a good idea to explain to them why, and tell them what is important to you instead.
A lot of expectations float around weddings, but the thing is, the wedding landscape changes so quickly these days, and your relatives who tied the knot 20 years ago + may have no idea of the current trends.
The key to enjoying your planning and being super motivated every day to tackle the tasks on the to do list, is to make ALL the elements about the things you LOVE and ADORE.
A great way to do this is to start with a brainstorming session together. Writing down all the things that you both love and can't imagine your day without. I have a fantastic exercise that I know you will find super useful. It has lots of prompts to help you Unlock your Wedding Vision so you can go on to create the most epic wedding day that oozes your personalities and your own wedding style.
You can download your copy here >>
Get Help
The third key foundation is to include someone who can help you, who's opinion you can trust. Sometimes you need an outsiders point of view, as being so close to the wedding yourselves, can some make it harder to see things from a different prospective. Including some one else also makes it more enjoyable and gives you more accountability to be motivated.
It could be a family member, a close friend or a member of the wedding party to help you with certain tasks you don't fancy doing alone. Often in our social circles, there are lots of hidden talents, so don't overlook anyone. Or it could be a professional like a wedding planner or a wedding stylist. They can offer lots of suggestions and ideas, that you may not of even considered, and they offer guidance if you aren't sure about something, and they have contacts too to help you find what you are looking for.
If you would like some more help with getting the creative juices flowing, I am a wedding stylist who helps couples style their day. You may like to have a chat with me with a one to one consultation where we can chat about your ideas and more!
You can read more about that here >>
I hope you decide to include these 3 Key foundations to help you enjoy planning to its fullest.
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Photos by Danny Inwood Photography